KINGDOM: ASHIN OF THE NORTH on Netflix is a special episode of (or “sidequel” to) the Korean Zombie period series. This is a story about vengeance but also an origin story. A slow-burn start and an amazing ending. Read our full Kingdom: Ashin of the North episode review here!

KINGDOM: ASHIN OF THE NORTH is out on Netflix now. It’s a special episode of the South Korean Kingdom series which is a huge success for Netflix.


Our season 2 review of Kingdom here >

With this special feature episode (which is also called a “sidequel”), we get the origin story for a character that appears at the end of season 2. Her name is Ashin and her story is a brutal and dark one, full of death and vengeance. The Kingdom sidequel has a runtime of just around 90 minutes, so it’s essentially a feature film spin-off.

Continue reading our Kingdom: Ashin of the North special episode review below.

The most awesome vengeance story!

While I do love the entire origin aspect of the Kingdom: Ashin of the North special episode, the vengeance storyline is what brings it home. And yes, I do absolutely adore Ashin. For most of the runtime, she’s portrayed as an adult by Jun Ji-hyun. She’s also the one who had the cameo appearance at the very end of season 2. Kim Shi-a plays the young Ashin. Both are brilliant!

As with all (or most) South Korean productions, the beginning is rather slow because this is a character-driven story. The stage is set and then things go a little crazy. And then a lot crazy!

Actually, very early on things are also brutal and that’s before we ever see a zombie. There’s a turning point in the story for Ashin (you’ll know when it happens) and after that, things start moving fast. I enjoyed this episode, but I adored the ending which has everything I love about South Korean storytelling.

Kingdom: Ashin of the North – Review | Netflix Zombies

Watch Kingdom: Ashin if the North on Netflix now!

The creators of the Kingdom series, screenwriter Kim Eun-hee and director Kim Seong-hun, are also responsible for this special episode. From the opening credits, you’ll see that this is a continuation of the Netflix series in every way.

Still, this episode features an origin story that features lots of information regarding the zombie virus. A lot more than I ever expected. One of the many teaser posters did reveal this, but still. You cannot miss this sidequel, if you want to know the origin story of both the zombie virus and Ashin.

While the first half of this special feature might be a little slow-burn while building up the story, the ending is wild and bloody. This is very much a vengeance story. It almost feels like a “Lady Vengeance” plot… and I love it. You have to watch this if you’re watching the series. Now, lets get a release date for season 3 of Kingdom ASAP, please!

Kingdom: Ashin of the North is out on Netflix worldwide from July 23, 2021.


Director: Seong-hun Kim
Writer: Eun-hee Kim
Stars: Jun Ji-Hyun, Byeong-eun Park, Si-ah Kim


Ashin and her father are part of a foreign tribe that has settled within the Kingdom of Joseon. Their encounter with a mysterious disease sets Ashin down a path of betrayal, prejudice, and revenge.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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