Reviews of Netflix movies and series
Are you looking for a good Netflix movie or series in the Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller, or True Crime genre?
Check out the Netflix reviews and features we’ve done for these genres – both movie reviews and reviews for seasons of a series. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration for your next Netflix title.
Death Whisperer 2 – Review | Netflix (3/5)
DEATH WHISPERER 2 on Netflix is a Thai horror movie (org. title: Tee Yod 2). It's the sequel to a movie released on...
Netflix Series Cassandra Ending Explained with Q&A
Want the Netflix series Cassandra ending explained? Maybe you're confused about the ending of the Netflix limited...
The Åre Murders – Series Review | Netflix
THE ÅRE MURDERS on Netflix is a new crime series based on a popular book series. The five episodes cover the books...
Cassandra – Series Review | Netflix
CASSANDRA on Netflix is a new Sci-Fi Thriller series with six episodes. It gets better and darker as it progresses....
Prison Cell 211 – Review | Netflix
PRISON CELL 211 on Netflix is a Mexican thriller series (org. title: Celda 211) with six episodes. It's exactly as...
Apple Cider Vinegar – Series Review | Netflix
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR on Netflix is a new miniseries about fraud. It gets extremely dark as it focuses on how health...