The creepy found footage horror movie Creep scared audiences in 2014. Now Mark Duplass is back as Peachfuzz in Creep 2!

Creep 2 is written by Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass with Brice directing. Also, Duplass will reprise his role from the first film while Desiree Akhavan will be the new “victim” of Peachfuzz’ crazy games.

Desiree Akhavan stars in Creep 2

Desiree Akhavan stars as Sara in CREEP 2

Writer/director Patrick Brice says:

We are overjoyed to bring the next chapter of Creep into the world! The fact that audiences have embraced the first film in such an unexpected way has been so heartening. We hope Creep 2 with bring a new level of fear, discomfort, and joy to loyal fans and newcomers alike.

Creep was always supposed to be a trilogy. Now with the success of the first micro-budget movie, Creep 2 – as well as Creep 3 – is surely on the way.

Creep 2 will be out on all digital formats October 24th, 2017. Perfectly in time for Halloween. Also, it will be released on Netflix US December 23, 2017.

Creep 2 synopsis

Creep 2 stars Desiree Akhavan as Sara. She’s a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men. After finding an ad online for “video work,” she thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer (Mark Duplass). Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, during the day, she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole she can’t escape.

Creep 2 brings back Peachfuzz!

I usually keep up-to-date with all the horror news, and make sure Heaven of Horror share the best and latest trailers for upcoming horror movies. I love all kinds of horror. My love affair started when I watched 'Poltergeist' alone around the age of 10. I slept like a baby that night and I haven't stopped watching horror movies since. The crazy slasher stuff isn't really for me, but hey, to each their own. I guess I just like to be scared and get jump scares, more than being disgusted and laughing at the grotesque. Also, Korean and Spanish horror movies made within the past 10-15 years are among my absolute favorites.
Nadja "HorrorDiva" Houmoller