LATENCY is a new sci-fi horror thriller set in one location with a small cast. It starts out great but loses momentum. It’s a shame really, but I would still recommend it. Read our full Latency movie review here!

LATENCY is out in theaters and for fans of alternative and low-budget genre movies, this is definitely interesting. The low-budget element isn’t something you notice as the one location setting works perfectly. What works less than perfect is the pace of the movie.

It begins with intriguing and fascinating world-building, but loses itself and starts running in circles. If it was a computer game, one might even say it was lagging. A shame with such a strong first half. Despite being just 94 minutes long, it feels longer.

Continue reading our Latency movie review below. Find it in select theaters from June 14, 2024.

You don’t have to leave home… but you should

In Latency, we meet the professional gamer, Hana (Sasha Luss), who suffers from acute agoraphobia. She simply cannot deal with the outside world and in our day and age, you can actually lead a life where you never leave home. Still, you really should.

It’s clear that Hana – who goes by “Banshee” in the gaming world – is struggling with some issues, but she’s still good at gaming. So, when she’s asked to trial a sophisticated new gaming equipment, she’s ready.

As the movie opens, we also see her testing another game and pointing out flaws, so this is already a freelance gig for her. A simple and efficient way of setting the stage for both Hana’s life and the story we’re about to experience.

Latency (2024) Sci-fi Thriller

A Black Mirror-inspired setting

The new gaming equipment Hana must test uses AI to interpret the electrical activity of her brain. Basically, she puts the AI-powered device on her head and – once it’s been calibrated – she will be able to use all wi-fi connected devices via brain activity.

No need to touch the keyboard, mouse, or anything else. Just think it and it will happen. Also, a screen and speakers might be nice, but how about seeing things in front of your eyes without a screen and hearing sounds inside your head?

Sounds both intriguing and kind of terrifying, right?! Well, to me anyway.

Also, it reminded me of Black Mirror, where tech is always good and bad depending on how it’s used. The device placed on the head reminded me of 3 Body Problem on Netflix. Not that the devices look alike, but both are eerily advanced.

Watch Latency in theaters 

James Croke is the writer and director of this new genre-hybrid where AI tech is as fascinating as it is scary. This is the first feature film from James Croke as a writer and director. He made the 2013 short film Shift, but that’s all according to his IMDb page.

Of course, with Hana, there is the added detail of her agoraphobia and overall mental issues. Her best friend Jen (Alexis Ren) is acutely aware of all Hana’s issues and tries to help her, but it is an uphill battle as Hana disappears into gaming and loses track of time.

Is this smart new AI device even helping Hana or is it a more sinister force?

The two all-important roles in the movie are portrayed by Sasha Luss and Alexis Ren. Both are really good. However, Sasha Luss has an extremely muddled accent, which sounds American one second, British the next, and with a hint of something Aussie later.

Her origin is never mentioned so I can live with it. After all, her world is online and that can result in her being exposed to many accents. Still, I had to mention it as it did confuse me a bit at times.

Latency is out in theaters from June 14, 2024.


Director: James Croke
Writer: James Croke
Cast: Sasha Luss, Alexis Ren 


When Hana (Sasha Luss), a professional gamer who suffers from acute agoraphobia, is asked to trial sophisticated new gaming equipment which uses AI to interpret the electrical activity of her brain, she sees an opportunity to enhance her game. As Hana and her best friend Jen (Alexis Ren) experiment with this new technology, the line between reality and Hana’s subconscious quickly begins to blur and she starts to wonder if the device is helping her or serving a more sinister force.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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