VICTIM NUMBER 8 is a new Spanish thriller series on Netflix (org. title La víctima número 8). The story is engaging and you should be hooked pretty early on. With just 8 episodes, it’s a pretty quick binge. Read more in our full Victim Number 8 review here.
Victim Number 8 is a new thriller series on Netflix and it is definitely worth checking out. In a world where terrorist attacks have become way too frequent, it’s important to be reminded of the elements that this storyline covers. We are often very quick to judge – especially when the facts we’re given matches our expectations. But maybe we should learn to ask more questions.
The plot and title of Victim Number 8 is probably enough to get many people intrigued. And if you then watch the trailer for this new series, you should be ready to give it a chance.
The TV series is from Spain (org. title La víctima número 8) where it originally aired in October and November of 2018. Now, it’s finally time for the rest of the world to watch this story unfold on Netflix.
Read why you’ll want to check out this new series in our full Victim Number 8 review below.
Intense from the start
While Victim Number 8 does start out with us getting to know the young couple, Omar and Edurne, we very quickly move into the terrorist attack. However, letting us meet both these sweethearts and their families is important. Especially to help us keep an open mind later on.
Omar is portrayed by César Mateo, who does a wonderful job of portraying a young man who is clearly the victim of circumstance. The other part of the couple, Edurne, is played by María de Nati, who has a different kind of character. She needs to convince people that Omar is not the person portrayed in the media.
If you think María de Nati looks familiar, you may have seen her in May God Save Us. Another truly brilliant Spanish crime thriller. Yes, we are pretty partial to Spanish productions here at Heaven of Horror. They just have a very high production value and tend to focus on character-driven stories. Much like South Korean productions, in fact.
The pregnant lead investigator
In charge of finding the terrorist, we have a very pregnant police detetive. Since she is on the verge of maternity leave, her boss want to relieve her of the case. However, she makes it extremely clear that she is not onboard with that idea. Oh yeah, she uses every trick in the book and pulls some low blows in her efforts.
Of course, there’s more than meets the eye with this detective as well. And yes, it just might have something to do with victim number 8. I would say that she reminds me of Olivia Colman in The Night Manager, since she was also very pregnant in that role. However, a few episodes in I must admit that Colman’s character was way more of an actual badass.
In the beginning of this new Spanish thriller series on Netflix, we mostly follow Edurne and the pregnant police detective. However, we do also see the family of Omar quite a bit. Again, this is so important to show the audience how the family suffers. Especially when the facts are far from clear and simple.
Watch Victim Number 8 on Netflix now!
This TV series was created by Sara Antuña and Marc Cistaré. They’ve both previously worked on the TV series Los hombres de Paco which was more of a telenovela. Victim Number 8 is a lot more serious and dark.
The directors of the episodes in this series are Alejandro Bazzano and Menna Fité. Both have worked on a lot of TV series in the past. However, for horror fans I’m sure it’s also an interesting fact that Menna Fité worked as Assistant Director on The Orphanage. Yes, the brilliant Spanish horror movie (org. title El orfanato) directed by J.A. Bayona.
If you’re into crime thrillers and find it fascinating to look into the bias that happens all the time, then Victim Number 8 should be good for you. Also, it feels eerily familiar in many ways, since it’s so easy to recognize especially the role of the news media.
All episodes of Victim Number 8 is out on Netflix in several countries from August 16, 2019.
Creators: Sara Antuña, Marc Cistaré
Stars: César Mateo, María de Nati, Verónika Moral
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