Joss Whedon gave us the fantastic horror movie The Cabin in the Woods, and now he’s working on a new horror movie set during World War II.

When I first saw The Cabin in the Woods, I was blown away. An awesome cast featured in a movie that evolves in the craziest way. My horror heart was very happy indeed. That’s why the news of Joss Whedon working on a new horror movie, is music to my ears.

In an interview with Complex he confirmed, that he’s working on a new horror movie script:

“I’m in the middle of a screenplay that I am extremely passionate about, and I am going to be extremely passionate about it again on November 9. It’s definitely a departure from the things that I’m known for. It’s as dark as anything I’ve ever written. It’s a historical fiction slash horror movie about a time when the world was going insane, World War II.

I got to tell you: I was in Germany and Poland doing research for this movie and I was seeing so many parallels [to the U.S.]. And I know it’s a shopworn thing to compare the orange guy to the little guy with the mustache, but you see things. Indelible things in terms of propaganda, the state of the country, and the parallels are eerie as fuck.”

We can only agree that Donald Trump is sounding way too much like Hitler these days. In other words, there’s plenty of reason why this movie is very relevant.

It’ll be interesting to see the result of his work.

There’s no word on whether Joss Whedon will direct the movie himself, but with The Cabin in the Woods, he let Drew Goddard handle that with great results, so we’re not worried.

I usually keep up-to-date with all the horror news, and make sure Heaven of Horror share the best and latest trailers for upcoming horror movies. I love all kinds of horror. My love affair started when I watched 'Poltergeist' alone around the age of 10. I slept like a baby that night and I haven't stopped watching horror movies since. The crazy slasher stuff isn't really for me, but hey, to each their own. I guess I just like to be scared and get jump scares, more than being disgusted and laughing at the grotesque. Also, Korean and Spanish horror movies made within the past 10-15 years are among my absolute favorites.
Nadja "HorrorDiva" Houmoller