The Plot of Black Christmas (2019)

Black Christmas (2019) is based on the landmark 1974 Canadian slasher, and centers on a group of sorority girls who are still at their house just before the Christmas holiday. Hawthorne College is quieting down for the holidays. One by one, sorority girls on campus are being killed by an unknown stalker. But the killer is about to discover that this generation’s young women aren’t willing to become hapless victims as they mount a fight to the finish.

Trailer for Black Christmas (2019)

I usually keep up-to-date with all the horror news, and make sure Heaven of Horror share the best and latest trailers for upcoming horror movies. I love all kinds of horror. My love affair started when I watched 'Poltergeist' alone around the age of 10. I slept like a baby that night and I haven't stopped watching horror movies since. The crazy slasher stuff isn't really for me, but hey, to each their own. I guess I just like to be scared and get jump scares, more than being disgusted and laughing at the grotesque. Also, Korean and Spanish horror movies made within the past 10-15 years are among my absolute favorites.
Nadja "HorrorDiva" Houmoller


  • In Theaters: Friday the 13th of December 2019
  • Genre: Horror
  • Director: Sophia Takal
  • Writer: Sophia Takal & April Wolfe
  • Cast: Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, Brittany O’Grady, Lily Donoghue, Caleb Eberhardt