News and Reviews of Shudder movies and series
Looking for a good Shudder movie or series in the Horror, Sci-Fi, or Thriller genre? Check out the Shudder news and reviews we’ve done for these genres – both movie reviews and reviews for seasons of a series.
Baghead – Shudder Review (2/5)
BAGHEAD is a new Shudder horror movie with such a great premise and cast yet it falls short of its potential. Even the runtime of 94 minutes is good. With some tweaks, it could have been great. Read our full Baghead movie review here!BAGHEAD is a horror movie that...
Late Night with the Devil – Movie Review (4/5)
LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is a new Demonic Horror movie taking place on Halloween in 1977. A true horror treat with an enigmatic David Dastmalchian in the lead role. Read our full Late Night with the Devil movie review here!LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is a new horror...
You’ll Never Find Me – Shudder Review (4/5)
YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME on Shudder is a new horror movie that you cannot miss. Downright terrifying and full of mind games that keep you guessing. It just never lets up! Read our full You'll Never Find Me movie review here!YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME is a new Shudder horror...
Exhuma – Movie Review (4/5)
EXHUMA is a Korean Occult Horror-Thriller (org. title: Pamyo), and it gets both brutally violent and very dark. Also, there is a supernatural element in this character-driven story. Read our full Exhuma movie review here!EXHUMA is a new horror, thriller, and mystery...
History of Evil – Shudder Review (3/5)
HISTORY OF EVIL on Shudder is a horror thriller with a supernatural element and lots of creepy vibes. Plays out in the not-too-distant future and stars Paul Wesley and Jackie Cruz. Read our full History of Evil movie review here!HISTORY OF EVIL is a new Shudder horror...
Destroy All Neighbors – Shudder Review (4/5)
DESTROY ALL NEIGHBORS on Shudder is a new horror-comedy with lots of practical effects and a fun plot. I watched the trailer and immediately knew this was for me. Read our full Destroy All Neighbors movie review here!DESTROY ALL NEIGHBORS is a new Shudder...