BETRAYAL is a Scottish Psychological Thriller with an important and very emotional story at the heart of the violent drama. It’s also a survival story with several twists. Read our full Betrayal movie review here!

BETRAYAL is a psychological thriller from Scotland that features a story about domestic abuse. It’s essentially a story about survival and revenge. Mostly survival though, as those abused just want to live their lives.

This film has a small cast, but you should expect to recognize several of the actors. Also, it will probably hit a little close to home for some viewers. This is a very brutal story, we see playing out over 90 minutes.

Continue reading our Betrayal movie review below. Find it on VOD from September 6, 2024.

Three brothers banding together

In Betrayal, we meet three brothers who have been living under the tyranny of their father. Their mother is loving and tries to be the opposite of their father. Which she is also punished for.

When they’ve finally had enough and are themselves big (and wise) enough to know they hold power as well, they fight back.

Betrayal (2024) – Review | Scottish Psychological Thriller

Unfortunately, nothing really goes according to plan as they try to kill their father. Or rather, they believe they have succeeded, but find themselves having to return to his shallow grave, which is now empty.

Wonderful Scottish cast

And yes, the title of this movie also plays a part. Too many secrets in the family come back to haunt them in various ways.

Fortunately, the stars of Betrayal are Scottish actors who deliver amazing portrayals of these complex characters and their relationships. You’ll probably know them from various successful productions.

As the three brothers, you’ll see Daniel Portman (Game of Thrones, Black Mirror), Brian Vernel (Gangs of London), and Calum Ross (Wednesday). Their father, who we get to know well, is portrayed brutally by Paul Higgins (Apostle).

Watch Betrayal (2024) on VOD

This new psychological thriller and survival story comes from writer-director
Rodger Griffiths. This is a feature film debut for Rodger Griffiths and one that shows a lot of promise for this future work.

The screenplay was co-written by Rob Drummond, who is also getting his feature film debut as a writer with this movie.

I don’t want to give away too much about the twists and turns, but this movie seems to keep peeling back layers. Ultimately, it leaves both the characters and us viewers completely raw, which seems to be the point.

You can not live in a house full of abuse, fear, and hatred without it corrupting your very soul. Banding together is important, but it doesn’t take away all the hurt already inflicted.

Still, fighting back and standing up for yourself and your loved ones always feels good!

Betrayal is out on Digital and VOD in the US from September 6, 2024. In the UK it is titled KILL and is coming out in Scottish cinemas on September 13 (perfect for Friday the 13th).


Written & Directed By: Rodger Griffiths
Co-Written By: Rob Drummond
Starring: Paul Higgins, Brian Vernel, Daniel Portman, Calum Ross, Anita Vettesse and James Harkness, Joanne Thomson


Three desperate brothers return to the remote Scottish woodland where they killed their abusive father only to discover his shallow grave is now empty, forcing them to question each another’s loyalty as fear and paranoia set in.

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!
Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard
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